On Publishing the Physics of Value
nearly a year has passed since the physics of value page was published (edit: moved to a jupyter notebook in 2019)
the paper was produced in response to a december 2014 article entitled "mathematics as a common language" where the interviewee identifies economics as missing a comprehensive "toolkit"
in leading the interviewee to the affirmative, the interviewer proposes, "building a toolkit of mathematical techniques that could be pieced together like Lego...to decipher what is happening in the world"
the interviewee then justifies his own work by explaining, "Gauge Theory dares ask the question: above what level should the rise be calculated? The level, or the derivative as it were, is made endogenous to the model"
not long after the article was read, it was shared in an email with a local systemaccounting supporter who is fond of math
in the email it was declared:
Read moreSparking the Data-driven Republic
to the inventors of apache spark:
the united states department of the treasury currently serves as a massive honey-pot for an industry that enjoys uninterrupted government protection of its data advantage over the public
Read moreIn the beginning
my name is max and im the author of systemaccounting
the idea was conceived while contemplating how money would function if it was circulating directly between its owners through a database rather than among the state-chartered lending companies the public recognized as "banks"
this happened while the economy was forced to absorb a massive failure caused by the government and the financial industry, a perfectly-avoidable event if the government didn't blur accountability between transactions & financial risk
the day was monday, may 11, 2009, late in the evening
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