Continuity is a Certainty

while traveling to eternity to see the relation between two events seems impossible, the discovery of the limit has empowered technical people to complete this journey for years and return with treasures that unlock the mysteries of the universe before the eyes of mankind

continuity, however, is no mere planet floating around the inner-space of information—it is this system's sun, where all things touched by its light receive the ability to exist

continuity is the axiom

and though there are delightfully mischievous people who publicly challenge the completeness of any system sustained by an axiom, we remain unfazed by their mathematical hat tricks

to duplicate the one and only equal sign that may exist within a system, and aim it back at itself to produce an absurdity, is to begin with an absurdity

if a continuous function means having to be defined for every point within an interval, then consider my scientific mind sustained by its immovable truth

but for that single point which must go undefined because this is where definition, itself, is defined, then consider my faithful heart sustained by its wondrous mystery—the 1 that causes the system to be complete

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