nearly a year has passed since the physics of value page was published (edit: moved to a jupyter notebook in 2019)
the paper was produced in response to a december 2014 article entitled "mathematics as a common language" where the interviewee identifies economics as missing a comprehensive "toolkit"
in leading the interviewee to the affirmative, the interviewer proposes, "building a toolkit of mathematical techniques that could be pieced together like decipher what is happening in the world"
the interviewee then justifies his own work by explaining, "Gauge Theory dares ask the question: above what level should the rise be calculated? The level, or the derivative as it were, is made endogenous to the model"
not long after the article was read, it was shared in an email with a local systemaccounting supporter who is fond of math
in the email it was declared:
don't know what gauge theory is, but the answer to its question is "time", or more thoroughly: dO/dt=0, a null vector with an antiderivative that models the flow of money between its "Owners"
towards the conclusion of the article, the following is speculated, "Let’s imagine that what needs to happen is a renegade movement where some people understand what the problem is and start publishing models with data-typing that is more in line with reality"
there wasn't any need to imagine this movement since it was underway in 2009
to answer the fellow's call for inclusion into a model referencing data-types that describe reality, the open-source paper was published, and the following message was transmitted as an open invitation:
#FinTech describes an entire economy with vector calculus & data… @INETeconomics @EricRWeinstein @slightlywonkish — (@mxfactorial) January 8, 2015
as of today, systemaccounting remains supported solely by its founder
economists continue to occasionally receive an invitation to offer support, but the response is the same
on monday, november 2, 2015, a well-known professor of economics who writes on "Anonymous money as a vehicle for facilitating tax evasion and illegal activity" in a recent paper was contacted by phone
upon hearing " initiative to petition the u.s. treasury to deploy a payment platform," the professor interrupted with the declaration he had zero curiosity
"i'm furiously busy," he said, "goodbye"
at this rate, another systemic financial event is imminent
when the touchstone for knowledge in an economy consists of academic degrees, medals, awards, publications, media exposure, fame, votes, likes and whatever else has little to do with physical work, a habitat is established high above in the intellectual sky with just enough distance into the horizon to breach the continuity of the public's awareness, but not far enough to justify where it leads
physical continuity, however, continues to push the public forward by applying its razor sharp edge to finely divide between us, who are in the present
from us, who are in the future
important information will never be received when it must pass through those who are busy being more important
may the high places built by humans be swiftly destroyed