systemaccounting measures value to be a pure number parameterized only by its change in ownership with respect to time
naming value "dollars", "euros", "yen", etc., are all irrelevant to money's scientific definition and purpose as its unit of measurement is a time-dependent, yet independently-defined number between old & new owners of goods & services—nothing more
stated less technically, money is a device used to measure the historical, current, and future choices shared by human beings exercising free will between one another
such measurements that refer to what human beings value provides for relating goods and services traded, and available for trade, in terms of the numbers human beings define for them
people who depend on rulers couldn't be more indifferent to the names they're given so long as the distances between the numbers written on them follow the rule of consistency (chartering "banks" and permitting the practice of "monetary policy" & "unconventional monetary policy" denies consistency in measure)
also, complexity is a type of resistance that measures the number of references required by a system to automate its equilibrium
introducing needless complexity into a system by adding divers measures for the same quantity creates damping points that only benefit those who specialize in manually negotiating a single mathematical translation at the cost of all others seeking access to the most efficient allocation, or equilibrium
arbitraging complexity is appropriate if, within a limited number of steps, a permanent solution is applied
however, arbitraging complexity's symptoms with an endless number of steps is disingenuous, lazy, and debilitating for everyone separated across what are trivial points of complexity
systemaccounting prioritizes information's consistency & simplicity by enforcing the law of conservation across both value and liability