vernacularly, why is the word "physically" used in sentences where the word "socially" is normally expected?
its the scientist's job to firmly establish how one value relates to another so this relationship can be predicted on command
for example, assume someone says, "when i drive 60 miles per hour for the next 2 hours, the distance i will have driven is 120 miles"
such a prediction can now be faithfully accepted as well as reproduced on command because the values of "speed", "time" and "distance" have already been clearly related by the law that states, "distance is speed x time"
of course, scientists remain open to the possibility of a serious challenge to this statement of physical law, and look forward to their resurrection in a reality enabled by the challenge's triumph
the point
the shortcoming of sociology is that it seeks to set facts about human behavior, or why people choose to do things, when free will may eventually account for the nullification of those "facts"
human choice isn't predictable like distance traveled, so it's fair to say that the measurements which have been attributed to them, and the adjectives and nouns that were created to identify these humans, are likely to be negligible in their applicability in the long run (but just long enough to sell a few text books)
instead, measure the physical consequences of a decision exercised from free will to learn why people choose to do things, and stop short of depending on incomplete information to judge and brand what a human being is