how is language affected by systemaccounting?


systemaccounting recognizes the existence of both a physical and intellectual universe, and serves to reconcile them by measuring how the one that is observed by humans (the physical) is influenced by the one used by humans to interpret it (the intellectual)

reconciliation is achieved by maintaining a data dictionary that is constantly added to and referenced as transactions are created

with the flow of ownership between users & time measured through an evolving chart of accounts of goods & services, observers can expect the intellectual stability derived therefrom to serve as indispensable for the maintenance of economic stability

in other words, using spin tensors to ward off whatever spin words by standardizing the dimensions referenced in transactions across time-coordinates protects an economy from charlatans & copycats who prey on consumers & producers, respectively

whether artistic or scientific, systemaccounting identifies when human creativity leads to a new observation the moment the newly-discovered idea first receives physical dimension in a transaction

once an idea is born, systemaccounting conserves its definition so that the evolution of its function among humans in the physical universe may be confidently understood over time

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